TAP Electronics participated in WEFTEC 2020.
To expand the business connections to US and EU markets, TAP Electronics participated in WEFTEC 2020, the
world’s most comprehensive water industry conference / exhibition, from October 5 – October 9 2020. We exhibited the new ROBOCAM S.
WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition Conference) is an international water industry conference which more than 60 countries, 1,000 companies and more than 20,000 visitors participate every year, and WEFTEC 2020 was the first in it’s history to be held as an online exhibition due to COVID-19. The online exhibition was held as WEFTEC Connect, and the event offered such services as networking, live product demo, solution suggestions, and exhibit our product by request.
Although we weren’t able to meet the visitors in person, we were able to demonstrate and show our product virtually. We were also able to answer questions through live chat. Because of your interest and support, our virtual exhibition was successful.Thank you for visiting our virtual booth.