‘Tap Electronics’ & ‘Robocam Global’ exhibited at the “Water Korea” trade show with 130 other companies at the KINTEX in Goyang, South Korea. The trade show lasted for 3-days – August 31st to September 2nd.
Robocam S had its 3rd debut at a local trade show. And many people were curious about our newest model of pipe inspection equipment.
Our products were divided into 2 sections. ‘Dirty’ water and ‘Clean’ water. The ‘clean’ water section featured our Pipe Cleaning Solution and Pro Cam W. And the ‘dirty’ water section featured 5 different machines.
(1) Robocam 1 (2) Robocam 4 (3) Robocam 5 (4) Robocam S (5) ProCam 50.
Please check our websites for more details about each individual machine.
Websites: Robocamglobal.com & Tap Electronics.co.kr